30x30 Grid project

For the 30x30 grid project, I put a lot of deliberation in the planning of this project. There were so many subjects I could do it on, as well as the countless possibilities for my choice of medium. However, the choice that I decided to go with was a big inspiration to me and meaned the most out of all my other ideas. I did my project on a tribute to Okeechobee Music and Arts Festival. I recently went to Okeechobee just two weeks ago, and it was the most beautiful, happiest, wonderful place I've ever been. The picture I painted is the signature Okeechobee "portal" spiral/logo. This logo was everywhere at the music festival, and looking back at it brings back some of the greatest memories of my life. I chose to use peanuts as my medium because peanuts were the primary source of food for me, basically what I was surviving off of for the four days at the festival. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between, peanuts consisted my Okeechobee diet. Therefore I found it very fitting and interesting to correlate these two themes together into a work of art.

Saying this project was stressful is an understatement. Although I am extremely pleased with the final result, I would definitely not do a project like this again. This project simply took way too much out of me to construct. Countless hours supergluing peanuts to the board, to only run out of two bottles of glue, I switched to a hot glue gun. This did make the process slightly quicker, however, it still took me a plethora more hours to complete, as well as several burns on my hand from the hot glue. Once all the peanuts were glued, the hard part was over. I then used silver acrylic paint to paint a layer over the peanuts, making it easier to paint the rest over it. Once the silver dried, I went back and painted the white spiral. Waited for that to dry, then supplemented it with the orange spiral. And lastly, I just finished it off with some bright/happy colors in the corners and background to add more visual aesthetic effect!


  1. This was my favorite grid project in class. I thought that it was super cool and I loved the design on it. I also know that you put in a lot of hard work for this project and this takes a lot of patience so good job!


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